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Getinjo dhe Mozzik siç nuk i keni parë më parë në një këngë patriotike

Jemi mesuar qe vellezerit nga Ferizaj Mozzik dhe Getinjo ti shohim te vijne secili ne harten e tij dhe produksionet muzikore te cilat jane te perqendruara tek Rap-i. Ata jane mjaft te suksesshem dhe sikunder kane ndjekes kudo ku ka shqiptare dhe shqipfoles duke rrembyer keshtu edhe zemrat e kujtdo qe i ka degjuar qofte edhe nje here te vetme. Kenge te cilat do mbeten ne memorien e publikut gjate duke thyer keshtu çdo parashikim per Getinjon dhe Mozzik. Ajo qe na ka surprizuar eshte se burime afer vellezerve qe jetojne per kohesh ne Europe kane zbuluar nje surprize te cilen ata po e pergatisin prej kohesh, nje kenge me themele patriotike dhe me çati atdhetare. Mozzik dhe Getinjo do e sjellin kengen shume shpejt, sigurisht te shoqeruar me klip me teme patriotike duke treguar keshtu edhe njehere se djemte nga Ferizaj jane mirenjohes vendit qe i lindi dhe i rriti. Kenga do miksohet nen kujdesin e Dj Cosmo i cili i shoqeron djemte edhe ne koncertet e tyre. Presim e shohim se çfare do na servirin kete here Mozzik dhe Getinjo…!

Getinjo and Mozzik as you have never seen before in a patriotic song

We’re used to see brothers from Ferizaj Mozzik and Getinjo each come to his map and music productions that are focused on Rap. They are very successful and have followed wherever there are Albanians and Albanians, beating the hearts of anyone who has heard them once. Songs that will remain in the public’s memory for a lon time and breaking any prediction for Getinjon and Mozzik. What has surprised us is that sources close to the brothers who have been living in Europe for a long time have discovered a surprise they have been preparing for a long time, a song with patriotic foundations and a patriotic roof. Mozzik and Getinjo will be bringing this song very soon, of course accompanied by patriotic themed clips showing once again that the boys from Ferizaj are grateful for the place he was born and raised. The song will be mixed under the auspices of Dj Cosmo who accompanies the boys to their concerts. Expect to see what Mozzik and Getinjo will serve us this time …!


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