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Dragan Goçev: Ju tregoj punën time me bashkëshorten e kryeministrit Zaev
Driselda Kanina and Greta Tafa: Isolation inspired us for new songs, this is the special feature of our collaboration
Si ndikon vera në sëmundjet e zemrës? Nga Dr. Taulant Gishto, kardiolog!

Driselda Kanina and Greta Tafa: Isolation inspired us for new songs, this is the special feature of our collaboration

This time has been quite inspiring for artists. The days of isolation have made them more creative and increased their desire to realize new productions. A collaboration between singers Driselda Kanina and Greta Tafa has been well liked by the public. They tell about how the idea to sing together came about, as well as other details we didn’t know.

Driselda and Greta come to a collaboration, but before we get to that, how do you feel after the period of isolation from COVID-19? Was the quarantine more of a way to find yourself or did it hinder you a lot in your plans?

Driselda: COVID-19 came suddenly bringing an entire world to its knees. It brought many changes not only in the economy, but also in everyday life, but it also has its pluses: to become humane people and live the reality, of course to reflect to be different from the previous life, doing good and forgiving love. The virus has categorically isolated us and stopped us from realizing the project, as well as other activities such as: concerts, weddings, etc.


Greta: At first, I experienced very badly the situation in which an entire world was involved. Even the media were the ones that created a fear in all people, from the number of affected or even victims. Quarantine has come to me as a factor of “Damage of plans, projects”, etc.. At the moment we were isolated, my plans included the project and the concerts, which we were looking forward to and failed due to COVID-19. I hope that everything will go in the right place, to start a normal life and trying to realize other projects or plans, which are left halfway. This virus has harmed and injured many people.

Why a long absence in music like Greta and Driselda, why did you decide to bring the hit “Dashuria apo shoqëria” to the market?

Driselda: Yes, it’s true. It has been 5 years since I have been part of the Albanian screens. My last participation was at the Balkan festival, where I won the second prize. The reason for the absence in the music market was my departure from Albania. However, this does not mean that I was not part of various activities. For four years I worked at weddings and concerts. We took the time to bring something different and beautiful to the audience. Realizing a new project requires time and good financing.

Greta: I started my career as a singer when I was 16 years old. To begin with, I participated in the RTSH Festival and “Top Fest”. Then I moved to the folk genre, from where I finalized three songs. After that, with one of the songs I was represented in the “Maratona e Këngës” song. After all this success, just as I am passionate about the song, I made my first clip with the song “Zemra Bam”. It’s been 10 years since I left Albania to study law, master. The departure from the screen happened for economic reasons, despite the fact that the desire was very great to realize new projects, but also to present my music to the public. But this does not mean that I have neglected music, as I have participated in various events in many countries of the world, of course also in Albania.

Do you think it is the right time to bring this cooperation?

Driselda: The collaboration was accomplished. That means it’s the right time.

Greta: Despite the long break, I think it’s the right time, considering that the music market needs singers like us.

Tell us a little more about the new song, how it was made, where the clip was designed and what are your expectations for this song Why did you decide to make this song together?

Driselda: We designed the song in America 2 years ago. 10 years ago I heard Greta’s song “Zemra Bam” and I liked it very much. Even though I lived in Greece, sometimes things that are meant to happen, do happen. Greta and I met at a wedding 5 years ago. A very good friendship was created between us, from where the result shows itself. While talking with Greta, I accidentally proposed to go to America, from where we started working and the idea for the song was born. The theme was my idea, while Greta created the melody.

Greta: I met Driselda 5 years ago, when she had just returned from Greece. We met at a wedding and in the first compact it seemed as if we had known each other for years. We have a lot in common. In America we lived together for two years, we also worked together, that’s where the idea of ​​the song was born. The song was orchestrated by Klodian Qafoku and the lyrics by Arben Duka. The clip was made at “Max Production”. The idea of ​​the song started from some friends and while talking, someone had this story. As soon as we broke away from them, Driselda came up with the theme idea, while I started working on the melody. We decided the music to be folk, because that is where we have our origins.

What song do you have in mind now? Will you tell us a few lines from the new song?

Driselda: Love comes and goes, society does not lie to you, with a true friend, you share every secret in life. We leave it to time to tell everything (laughs).

Greta: The verses of the song went to Driselda. Other projects await us in the future.

When do you think you can reach the top professionally, or rather what is the peak for you Is it good to reach the top, or does it need a constant!

Driselda: You have to work hard, be correct and love your work to achieve success. It is better to remain constant because it suits our field.

Greta: I have had a passion for music since I was little. My biggest dream was to become a popular singer but when I touched things closely it is very difficult to achieve what you want as it requires a lot of work and investment (money). There are many talented singers, but who cannot achieve success, who want to because art in Albania has turned into a business. I am of the opinion to be constant, to be desirable to the people, to be loved for what I am and what I do.

What is your dream scene?

Drisleda: My dream is Eurovision (laughs).

Greta: The stage is sacred to me. In every scene you participate in, it counts.

What would you have done if you weren’t a singer?

Driselda: I have two professions. The first for painting and the second, I attended a 3-year school for hairdressing-esthetics in Greece. If I wasn’t a singer today, I think the profession that would suit me better would be a dermatologist.

Greta: In addition to my profession as a lawyer, my desire is to become a part of beauty. A school for “make up artist”.

In the end, what shall we say, a concern, a greeting, a message?

Driselda: I hope our song gets as many likes from the audience as it is a song based on true stories and of course a good and reliable friendship. I wish everyone to get through the situation we are in as easily as possible, as life is very beautiful and the most important thing is to have as much faith in God as possible.

Greta: I wish that our song is liked as much as possible and that this situation does not happen again. To remain a forgotten story in people’s lives.

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